The Admiral & The Adventurer

Imagine that two people are living in your body. The adventurer is spontaneous, creative and focused on feelings, inspiration and curiosity. The admiral is discerning, disciplined, educated and focused on getting results. Those two people must learn to work together towards a shared future. To get the most out of life demands balancing the two realities. There is no fullness of life without discipline. There is no joy without a dream. Join us for this series taught by Craig Rees and Brad Gray as we embark on a new year’s journey that invites us to balance the Admiral and Adventurer within ourselves.


Mission and Me
January 25, 2015 | Craig Rees

The Bible Breathes
January 18, 2015 | Brad Gray

A Loss for Words
January 11, 2015 | Craig Rees

New Year, New You
January 04, 2015 | Craig Rees & Brad Gray

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